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Enterprise News

People's commemoration of Chairman Mao's 126th birthday

作者:綠志島 2019-12-26 0

December 26, 2019 is the 126th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Zedong, the great leader, and also the eighth year for lvzhidao to hold activities commemorating Chairman Mao's birthday. The people of Lvzhi Island deeply cherish Comrade Mao Zedong's great achievements in building the party, the army, the nation and the socialist revolutionary construction, that is, to vigorously study and carry forward Mao Zedong's noble feelings of wholeheartedly serving the people, Chairman Mao's revolutionary spirit of daring to fight and win, and Chairman Mao's spirit of independence and hard struggle, We should turn our love for Chairman Mao into a driving force to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Now let's review the highlights of the commemoration.


Welcome staff

▲Mr. Lai Gaoping, general manager of lvzhidao, wrote flower basket speech for guests


▲Signature of guests

The welcoming staff wear the portrait of Chairman Mao for the guests

▲Guests sign in

People from Lvzhi Island present flowers to Chairman Mao

Guests present flower basket to Chairman Mao

Guests present flower basket to Chairman Mao

Present flowers to Chairman Mao

Host Xu Kai announced the start of the event

The host introduces the distinguished guests present

The host introduces Mr. Zhu zusheng, chairman of lvzhidao

The host introduces Mr. Lai Gaoping, general manager of lvzhidao

All rise to watch the flag raising ceremony and play the national anthem

▲Present flower basket to Chairman Mao

▲Present flower basket to Chairman Mao

▲Present flower basket to Chairman Mao

Speech by Mr. Zhu zusheng, chairman of lvzhidao

Mr. zhuzusheng, chairman of Lvzhi Island, led us to shout -- long live Mao Zedong Thought

Mr. Zhu zusheng, chairman of lvzhidao, led us to shout long live the Communist Party of China! Long live the people!

▲Chairman of the board of directors led us to review Chairman Mao's Hongwen "power of the heart"

▲Speech by Mr. Wang Shaoxi

Distinguished guest professor Xiao Chun reviews the 30 years before reform and opening up

▲Distinguished guests

Chairman of the board of directors and distinguished guests

Chairman of the board of directors and distinguished guests

Chairman of the board of directors and distinguished guests

VIP group photo

VIP group photo

Chairman of the board of directors and distinguished guests

▲Group photo of people from Lvzhidao

Commemorating the 126th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth has come to a successful conclusion. Thank you for your support as always.

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