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Commemoration of Chairman Mao's 127th birthday

2021-03-17 0


In commemorating the 127th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, the people of Lvzhi Island deeply remember the great achievements established by Comrade Mao Zedong. It is a great event to change China's fate and change the world pattern after the Second World War in the 20th century. The great victory of the war against the United States and aid to Korea is a declaration of the Chinese people standing in the east of the world after they stand up, and an important milestone for the Chinese nation to move towards great rejuvenation, and has a great and far-reaching significance for China and the world.

唐海县| 杭锦旗| 休宁县| 五河县| 五台县| 泰安市| 沂南县| 云梦县| 瑞丽市| 平阳县| 墨竹工卡县| 隆昌县| 洛浦县| 闻喜县| 伊金霍洛旗| 太仆寺旗| 育儿| 比如县| 泰安市| 潞城市| 拉孜县| 舞阳县| 海原县| 永嘉县| 英吉沙县| 松桃| 丽水市| 聊城市| 岗巴县| 利辛县| 焉耆| 理塘县| 济阳县| 长武县| 镇赉县| 安新县| 汝州市| 墨竹工卡县| 南城县| 澄城县| 达日县|