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Commemoration of Chairman Mao's 127th birthday

2021-03-17 0


In commemorating the 127th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth, the people of Lvzhi Island deeply remember the great achievements established by Comrade Mao Zedong. It is a great event to change China's fate and change the world pattern after the Second World War in the 20th century. The great victory of the war against the United States and aid to Korea is a declaration of the Chinese people standing in the east of the world after they stand up, and an important milestone for the Chinese nation to move towards great rejuvenation, and has a great and far-reaching significance for China and the world.

酉阳| 同仁县| 集安市| 和静县| 龙海市| 巴青县| 托克托县| 略阳县| 周宁县| 类乌齐县| 昭通市| 汪清县| 贵港市| 衡南县| 东乡县| 祁连县| 同仁县| 黄平县| 响水县| 务川| 东兰县| 六安市| 金秀| 玛纳斯县| 瑞安市| 澄江县| 芒康县| 育儿| 扎鲁特旗| 天峨县| 德州市| 郴州市| 黔西县| 昆明市| 黄骅市| 南丹县| 永兴县| 台安县| 宁晋县| 寿阳县| 三河市|